Pei-Yao Hung
HCI Researcher

Researcher and Builder

Empower People with Information and Smart Environment
Resume, C.V., Google Scholar

Mentorship & Teaching

I have been a mentor to a variety of individuals and groups for design and research projects. I have also taught programming, prototyping, and other computer and information science courses at the undergrad level, graduate level, and for the general public.

Judges, the students I mentored, my co-mentor, and I (second from the right) when the students won the Best Experience Award at the award ceremony of the annual OpenHCI workshop.
My students and I (second from the right) posted at the last day of the C# Object-Oriented Programming Course.
Mentor - An undergraduate student conducting human-centered research
University of Michigan
09/2021 - present

Provided instructions and feedback on conducting human-centered design research to continue the development of a lung cancer screening decision aid,

Mentor - A graduate student working as a UX researcher and designer
University of Michigan
05/2021 - 08/2021

Provided feedback and guidance on UX research instrument design and data analysis to understand and design a new platform for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) entrepreneurs in the field of Public Interest Technology (PIT).

Mentor - An undergraduate student with a disability who uses his experience to design a mobile application to support self-care at home
University of Michigan
07/2017 - 04/2018

Introduced the concept of user-centered design, designed readings and homework, provided feedback on deliverables, facilitated brainstorming.

Team Mentor - A team with 5 master students who became CHI 2016 Student Design Competition Finalist
University of Michigan
09/2015 - 05/2016

Guided analysis of interview data, provided critique of findings and design recommendations, suggested writing revisions and polished presentation flow. See "Dot-it: Managing Nausea and Vomiting for A Peaceful Pregnancy with Personal Pattern Exploration" in ACM Digital Library.

Team Mentor - A team with 6 undergrad students who received the Best Experience Award at the 1st annual OpenHCI workshop
National Taiwan University
Summer 2009

Mentored the learning and practicing of design thinking methods (e.g., persona, scenario, affinity wall) to identify problems and brainstorm a solution to streamline the dining experience in a university cafeteria.

Graduate Student Instructor – Programs, Information and People
University of Michigan
01/2021 - 04/2021

Write education materials to introduce Python programming knowledge, lead two weekly discussion sections with 25+ students to review fundamental programming concepts using Python, and host office hours to provide one-on-one tutoring.

Graduate Student Instructor – User Interface Development
University of Michigan
09/2020 - 12/2020

Assisted with teaching a remote undergraduate Computer Science course with 360+ students across different time zones, served as the bridge between instructional aides and faculty instructors to ensure the smooth operation of the class, designed homework for students to apply User Interface Development concepts using HTML/CSS/Javascript, managed study groups to facilitate peer learning among students with different skill sets, recorded demonstration videos to guide students on homework and materials, and answered questions on Piazza (crowd-sourcing Q&A system) to encourage continuous discussion outside of lecture.

Graduate Student Instructor – UX Field Research
University of Michigan
01/2020 - 04/2020

Gave a guest lecture to examine a case study applying participatory design, held office hours weekly to provide need-based assistance, and provided feedback on students' UX research plans for applying different methods (e.g., interview, survey, participatory design) to sharpen their research planning skills.

Graduate Student Instructor – Programming I (Python)
University of Michigan
09/2019 - 01/2019

Led weekly lab session with 40+ students to review and practice essential programming concepts, gave a mini-lecture on using a debugger to understand programs' behavior, designed and reviewed programming problem sets and solutions to examine students' understanding with auto-grader, and used Piazza (crowd-sourcing Q&A system) to engage students outside of the classroom.

Graduate Student Instructor – Introduction to Information Studies
University of Michigan
01/2015 - 04/2015

Led 3 weekly discussion session (more than 15 students per session) to examine course topics, taught a 1.5 hour lecture in Human-Computer Interaction with 240 undergraduate students, designed 2 weekly lesson plans as guidance for other instructors, and graded response papers and visualization projects to improve students' writing and visual presentations.

Graduate Student Instructor – Networked Computing: Storage, Communication and Processing (Python Programming)
University of Michigan
09/2014 - 12/2014

Developed and led 3 weekly lab sessions (more than 15 master students per session) to examine important programming and computer concepts using Python, provided one on one instruction, graded programming assignments to provide feedback on the design and implementation of homework solutions, and held office hours weekly to answer additional questions.

Instructor – Workshop on How to Organize and Do a Presentation
National Taiwan University

Presented a lecture on organizing a presentation in a problem-solution format, and led a workshop to help students with an impromptu presentation.

Instructor – Adobe Flex/Flash/ActionScript Prototyping Crash Course
National Taiwan University
July 2009

Designed lecture, prepared sample code, delivered a 2 hour training course to introduce the fundamental concepts required for prototyping in Adobe Flex/Flash/ActionScript for the Intelligent Agent lab as part of its orientation.

Instructor – Object Oriented Programming using C#
National Taiwan University
January 2009

Developed syllabus, wrote lectures, created projects, presented, and graded,facilitated understanding of programming, resulting in 5 students with no technology background developing a simple calculator with graphic user interface successfully in ten days.

Teaching Assistant – Database Systems
National Taiwan University
Fall 2006

Graded assignments and held weekly office hours to answer students' questions.

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